With the rise of IPTV and the increasing demand over the years, many people want to start their own IPTV business and they keep looking for a good place where to buy a reseller panel from.
In this article, we will show you where you can find the best IPTV Reseller Panel, and we will discuss some advanced information about what the requirements of both the Panel and the provider should be.
What is the best IPTV Reseller Panel?
An IPTV Reseller Panel is a Panel that you get from IPTV providers which allows you to create different subscriptions and add new customers to the server.
However, it’s actually hard to find a reputable trustworthy supplier that will provide you with a good panel for an affordable price.
If you’re just starting out, one of the main obstacles you will face is finding a good provider, some of them offer low-quality servers that won’t help you keep your customers, others might offer decent servers, but for a price that wouldn’t cover all of your costs and expenses and won’t guarantee the survival of your business over the long term.
Well, lucky for you, we have done all the research for you. We navigated and examined all IPTV providers that offer reseller panels looking for the best IPTV reseller panel for you.
And this is what we found: None of the providers actually offered what resellers needed and that’s why when we were resellers ourselves five years ago, we tried 57 different panels, that’s also why we decided to provide our own reseller panels that will make resellers more than pleased and won’t think twice before they repurchase the panel for the second time.
However, we will provide you with a list of the characteristics of the IPTV reseller panels offered by IPTVPause.
- High-Quality servers
- 99.99% Uptime
- The best Pricing on the market which guarantees a great profit margin for you.
- 14 Backup servers all over the world
- 24/7 Premium Support with 7 team members in 5 different languages
- Immediate access to your Panel
- 24h trial free of charge

Now these are only the off-product characteristics, once you test the product (the IPTV subscription), and you get to test the speed, scroll over the unlimited channels and play the video and see the quality, then you’ll know that you did the best choice and you won’t be worrying about the panel anymore and you’ll get to spend more time on acquiring new customers and scale your business.
What are the requirements of a good Reseller Panel?
There are a lot of characteristics and requirements for a good IPTV reseller Panel, and here we will give you the main requirements that you shouldn’t buy a panel if they don’t exist in it.
High-Quality Support
First of all, it’s likely that you’ll have a few quires about the panel, the subscription, or the server, it’s also likely that you’ll get requests from some clients to add a new movie or channel, and for that, you’ll need responsive support that would answer to your requirements and needs as fast as possible.
Free Trial
Another important requirement is a cost-free 24h Trial. About 70% of the clients will request a test before they purchase an actual subscription from you. That’s fine, the problem is the majority of providers charge 0.2$ or more for the trial and after you do your math, you’ll find that half of your credits were spent on trials for users that never returned to purchase a subscription from you.
At IPTVPause, we allow you to create unlimited trials per day completely for free.
Also, the panel should leave you with a good profit margin. Perhaps as a client, all you look for is the server’s quality, but as a seller, you should consider both quality and price.
Quality / Price Balance
The majority of providers focus on one side only, they analyze buyers (both resellers and clients) and try to figure out what they’re looking for. If they see that you’re looking for low pricing, they’ll be happy to offer you one of the worst servers they have, if it’s not the only one they have. But if you ask for a quality server, maybe they’ll offer you one, but surely it will be overpriced and won’t leave you with a good profit margin as a reseller.
Customized & Country-Targeted Servers
Apart from server quality and speed which are essential, there is one more thing we consider to be a necessity for resellers to maintain customers and that is customization.
If you purchase a panel that targets Germany or Spain, for example, and the majority of channels are not in English, and you want to sell your server in the US., it’s not working.
Perhaps, that’s not the provider’s problem for not offering a different server for each client, so you need to keep searching for another that fits your targeted audience.
However, at IPTVPause, we think it’s our problem to offer different servers with different channels and content. That’s why we have +56 servers in 32 different countries, we also try to diversify content in each subscription, for example, even though the server targets the US, you’ll find Arabic, French, and worldwide channels too on the panel.
How To install the IPTV panel?
Once you complete the payment, we will contact you and ask you about your targeted audience if we didn’t already ask you before the payment.
After that, we will add you to the control panel of our server and you’ll receive your Login information via email or WhatsApp.
So, you don’t need to install or activate any software on your device, it has been all done before, we have installed the necessary software on our servers and all you need is the information we sent you to access your seller panel and start adding your clients each time you make a sale.
How To Use the IPTV Reseller Panel?
It’s extremely easy to use the IPTV reseller panel, you’ll receive a URL to the panel’s login page, a username, and a password, all you need is to visit the Url and enter the login information.

After that, you’ll see the credit balance that you choose at the top of the page, and after you make a sale, you add a user, you get the login information of that user, you send it to him and a few credits will be taken from your balance depending on the duration of the subscription that client has just bought.
Year after year, IPTV becomes more popular and attracts thousands of new customers, still, only a few see the huge opportunity in the market and decide to start an IPTV business.
At the very beginning, the best choice they have is to get cheap and high-quality panels from reliable providers and resell IPTV subscriptions to the end customer.
However, if you want to acquire loyal clients and stay in the business in the long run, there are a few requirements for that panel and a few additional things to consider before you decide to buy it, such as quality, speed, price, free trial, device-compatibility, worldwide content.
And this is why we recommend trying The IPTVPause reseller panel and seeing the performance and quality yourself.
What are you waiting for?
Contact us -> Get a Free Trial -> Download an IPTV Player -> and be amazed at the quality of our server.